Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Coolness on the inside

On of the things that always impresses me about wood is that you never know what you might get just by looking at a tree this cookies and cream black walnut cutting board and green poplar bangle are proof of that .  The "cream"  in the cutting board comes froman urban growth black walnut where the lighter sap wood was large enough to make some decent boards.   And a lot people think the green is stained in the poplar but it all right there with in the tree.You can find them both on our etsy store.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Hello and Welcome

I'm Chris and together with my wife Becca we have been doing tablescrapcreations for over a year and a half.   The name came from the wood i used to make Becca some jewelry, table saw scaps from other projects.  Other than wooden jewelry and cutting boards, we specialize in making bodysurfing handplanes and alaias.  This is a handplane we just posted our etsy store It features a concave in most of the bottom for lift but nose rocker transitioning down the face of the wave.   The hard edge and arc tail help in holding on the face of the wave.
Thanks for checking us out and stay tuned